Eternal Love
Eternal love, unending graceCompassion rich and freeAre found upon the Savior’s faceAre found at Calvary For there they mocked, and there He criedForsaken...
Eternal love, unending graceCompassion rich and freeAre found upon the Savior’s faceAre found at Calvary For there they mocked, and there He criedForsaken...
One of my passions is Hebrew. It’s a little difficult for me to put into words what the Hebrew language means to me, but I am going to try. I feel it is i...
For a long time it was on my heart to be in a musical. I would dream of maybe one day being able to act, but I didn’t know how I’d ever get an oppor...
Through fire and water my path had been setFull of sins and distress that I couldn’t forget In flame I was burnt and in water I flailedFrom the midst of t...
Inspired by Psalm 132 and Psalm 125 My heart is like JerusalemA palace for my KingA place for righteousness to dwellA place where praises ring Until You found Y...
One might try to find meaning in life on his ownBut we need our Redeemer; we can’t live aloneHe gives comfort and healing, and silences strifeHe gives cla...
“Speak to My Heart” is one of my very favorite songs. Today I wanted to share it with you. Because it is in Hebrew, my sister and I wrote an English...
I see, O Yah, that I’m a seedYou’ve given me whate’er I need To grow, to live, to serve my KingA hope unending, songs to sing Encased within m...