
My senior picture

I completed my homeschool studies this past May. Upon graduating, I often hear, “Follow your dreams.” What exactly do people mean when they tell me that? I guess they mean that they want me to find happiness in life (which is very sweet of them) and that I will find that happiness in my dreams.

I admit that I have dreams. I have ideas of what I’d like to do or what I’d like the future to look like. But I don’t really care about those sorts of dreams. The only dreams I care about, the only dreams I want to follow, are Yehovah’s dreams for me.

For what use is a dream, if it is not in Yehovah’s will? As Psalm 127 says, “Unless Yehovah builds the house, in vain its builders toil in it.” Any dreams or plans we have that are not in Yehovah’s will shall fall like a house on shifting sand. Such fruitless dreams will not bring happiness.

But whatever dreams you have that are in Yehovah’s perfect plan are the dreams you should seek. Those are what you should work for. And those are the plans that will give you the most happiness and fulfillment in life.

How do you know Yehovah’s perfect plan for you? He reveals it through His word, through circumstances around you, through a dream, or through a message that burns in your heart. He can speak to you in multiple ways. You just have to be open and receptive to His voice, His will. You have to take time to pray and read His word.

But here’s a little warning. Yehovah’s plans for you are usually hard. He usually wills for you to travel the difficult path, the trail less traveled. How then, you might ask, will such a path riddled with trials bring joy and fulfillment?

Because that is the path where you find Yeshua–the ultimate source of joy. That is the path where you are able to help the desperate brothers around you–the ultimate source of fulfillment. As you walk the path of obedience to Yehovah, you can be certain that any difficulty that comes your way has a purpose and can help you become a better person. That path leads to heaven. That is the path I want to travel.

So now, to the best of my ability, I am walking that path of obedience. I try to listen to His words and seek Him and His will. I feel Him telling me that my future is with children. In His great love, He has given me an opportunity to practice my skills with children. On July 27, I became a first-grade teacher to my little friend Kiley. I’ve known her since she was nine months old, and she is such a dear. It’s hard to put in words how grateful I am to be able to teach her and input into her life. It’s a precious gift from Yehovah–a perfect preparation for my future with children.

Kiley and I on our first day of school

I also feel Him telling me that in the future, times will be tough. For that, I prepare spiritually. I work to memorize chapters of the Bible, grow in trust, and learn more about Him.

There are some people that think that I ought to go to college. But how can college help me prepare for my future? Yehovah has not called me to be a nurse, a business woman, or anything that would require a college degree. I don’t need a degree to do His will for me. I can teach Kiley without a degree. I can write poetry and stories for Yehovah without a degree. I can love and help those around me without a degree.

The best preparation for my future is what I am doing right now: homeschooling my friend and hiding Yehovah’s word in my heart. I couldn’t ask for anything more from Him.

So, to any other graduates reading this, I want to encourage you to find Yehovah’s plan for you. Find where He wants you to grow and what He wants you to do. Whether He wants you to go to college, get a job, stay at home, be a missionary, or whatever His awesome plan is, follow Him. “Trust in Yehovah with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding. Know Him in all your ways, and He will make your paths straight.” (Proverbs 3:5&6) Remember that “Many are the plans in a man’s heart, but the counsel of Yehovah–that shall stand.” (Proverbs 19:21)

We have been bought by Messiah. Our lives are not our own to control, but for us to give unto Him. It’s not enough to read inspiring stories of brave, influential people of the past. We need to be the brave and influential people of our age, and the only way we can do that is through Messiah Yeshua. If we surrender to Him, He will do more with us than we could ever hope or imagine.

I suppose I am following my dreams, because following Yehovah’s plans for me is my dream. He can do with me what He pleases. I will be content as long as I’m with Him. I look forward to a future of serving my King.

Faith Williams
I am a nineteen-year-old girl who loves to write, especially fiction. I write many stories and poems. I usually have a moral or lesson behind my writings, for I hope these stories and poems, which Yehovah (God) helped me to write, will glorify Him as I share them on this blog. Welcome to my blog and I hope you enjoy your stay!


  1. I love how you share from your heart, Faith! ” We need to be the brave and influential people of our age, and the only way we can do that is through Messiah Yeshua. If we surrender to Him, He will do more with us than we could ever hope or imagine.” The Father is already using you! How awesome that you are only 17, you have graduated from high school, and you are now helping to teach and train Kiley!!

    It’s a sweet picture of you and Kiley on her first day of school with you. And there is a lovely picture of a beautiful, young lady playing the violin…just one of her (your 😉) many talents!! ❤️

    1. Once again, thank you! I am amazed by the Father’s blessings, and how He is already using me!

      Thanks…you really love pictures, don’t you?

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