When in spring the flowers bloom
The blossoms help me see
That Yah can cause His love and truth
To blossom deep in me
When I see the blades of grass
Each different, yet the same
I see that, though unique, we all
Are made to praise His Name
When I see some old, gray sticks
Aflame in smoky haze
I ask, “Please burn my mortal self
with passion for Your ways!”
When I see the mighty trees
That once were nuts, I see
That He can take my tiny self
And use me mightily
When I see the animals
Whom Yah creates and feeds
I know that if He cares for them
He cares for all my needs
When I see the dawning sun
I think about His light
That always shines and never leaves
In any dreadful night
When I see the stars above
I know He named them all
And, yes, He also knows my name
And hears me when I call
When I see the glowing moon
I know that it is true
That He Who guides the moon through space
Will guide me onward too
When I see the sky above
I know that I shall be
With Him Who made the whole wide world
For all eternity

Another lovely poem by Faith Williams! 😊
He is omnipresent… and your poem reminds us that He is seen in all of His creation!
Thank you! Yes, He can certainly be seen anywhere outside!
Indeed! He can!