Speak to My Heart

“Speak to My Heart” is one of my very favorite songs. Today I wanted to share it with you. Because it is in Hebrew, my sister and I wrote an English translation that can be sung to the tune, so English speakers can enjoy the song too.

Here is the link to the song: Speak to My Heart. It is written by Irit Iffert and preformed by Rebekah Wagner. It was presented at the “Praises of Israel” concert in Jerusalem, December, 2019.

A more accurate translation of the Hebrew, a transliteration of the Hebrew words, and the Hebrew words themselves, can be seen at the bottom of the above video. And below is our English translation. I hope that this song will bless you as much as it has blessed me!

Speak To My Heart

Oh, speak to my heart, Yeshua
Amid this great storm I’m found
Waves of doubt tower o’er me
Oh, hold me or else I’ll drown

Sweet words that will give me hope
Sweet words that can calm this sea
Oh, speak to my heart, Yeshua
And plant in my heart Your peace

Oh, speak to my heart, Yeshua
I’m resting beneath Your wing
You’re my eternal fortress
In You my soul will sing

Kind words of Your endless mercy
Kind words that make crying cease
Oh, speak to my heart, Yeshua
Your presence will be my peace

Oh, speak to my heart, Yeshua
Declaring Your word of truth
And may those words grow within me
Oh, mold me to be like You

Dear words of Your might and power
Dear words that will give me strength
Oh, speak to my heart Yeshua
Your word is my rock of faith

Oh, speak to my heart, Yeshua
A whisper both small and still
Oh, search now my heart and help me
To follow and do Your will

Rejoicing in how You love me
Surrendering fears and joys
Oh, speak to my heart, Yeshua
And teach me Your gentle voice

Rejoicing in how You love me
Surrendering fears and joys
Oh, speak to my heart, Yeshua
And teach me Your gentle voice

Faith Williams
I am a twenty-year-old girl who loves to write poems and stories. I usually have a moral or lesson behind my writings, for I hope these stories and poems, which Yehovah (God) helped me to write, will glorify Him as I share them on this blog. Welcome to my blog and I hope you enjoy your stay!


  1. Hi Faith,

    I just had a chance to listen to the YouTube recording of that song. It is heavenly and very beautiful!! The lead singer has an angelic voice.

    You hear the Hebrew language much more than I do, because you can speak and read it. This gave me goose bumps listening to the song! Thanks for sharing, Faith! ❤️

    1. My, it sounds like you really loved it! As I said, it is one of my very favorites–a true blessing! There are more songs from that concert on You Tube if you want more! Just type in “Praises of Israel concert” in the search. 😀

      You’re welcome for sharing! Love you lots!

  2. Glory be to Adonai
    listening to this song just gives me peace & Shalom
    The beautiful lady singing the song and her voice makes the song so meaningful

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