What Words Have I

Inspired by Micah 6:6-8

What words have I to thank my King?
My life is found in Him alone
A weak and needy heart I bring
I lose my words before His throne

What gift have I to give the One
Who reigns on high, above all praise
To Him Who sent His only Son
And walks with me through all my days?

With what may I approach my King
With sacrifices–bulls or lambs?
And what is He requiring?
To humbly walk in His commands

What words have I to thank my King
Who died and rose to save my life?
What gift have I?–My everything
I give Him all my heart and life


What is honor? Is it lordship?
Is is gained by ruling lands?
Is it for the wise and rich
For kings, with scepters in their hands?

What is honor? Is it glory?
Is it fame and majesty?
Does it mean that you are lauded
Lifted high for all to see?

What is honor? Is it greatness?
Is it found in bravery?
Is it found in feats of heroes
Those who fight or save or free?

What is honor? Is it goodness?
Is it great integrity?
Is it fighting sin’s enticement?
Is it found in purity?

What is honor? You will fail
To gain true honor on your own
True honor comes from Yehovah
While humbly kneeling ‘fore His throne

What is honor?–being chosen
By the One Who raised the dead
To have His might, and fight His wars
He honors me and lifts my head

Your Voice

How I love to hear Your voice
A gentle whisper still and small
What great encouragement You give
Whenever on my knees I fall

Oh, the guidance of Your voice
Your Word illuminates my path
Although my heart You discipline
You never discipline in wrath

Oh, the comfort of Your voice
What confidence when You are near!
Through darkest vale, I follow still
My Shepherd’s voice, forever dear

How I trust Your faithful voice
All things You promise, You will do
I cling to every word You speak
For all Your Words are just and true

Oh, the power of Your voice
It shakes the mountains, rends the skies
What miracles are in Your Name!
You listen to my desperate cries

Oh, the wonder of Your voice
For by Your words, all came to be
O Great Creator, still Your voice
Creates new life and hope in me

Is a Tree Glad?

A tree right beside the Garden Tomb, Jerusalem

Is a tree glad to be planted in Zion?
Do larks sing for joy to be on Zion’s Walls?
Do cows prefer grass on this side of the Jordan?
Do birds say, “My homeland!” amidst all their calls?

Is a vine glad in Shomron to be fruitful?
Do somehow they know what the prophets foretold?
Do rocks or great oak trees bear stories so truthful
Retelling the stories of heroes of old?

Is a gull glad on this shore of the ocean?
Do cats on the Temple Mount know where they stand?
Do jackals recall when this place was their portion
When desert and ruin spread over this land?

Is a sheep glad to be grazing near Zion?
Can ewes taste God’s blessing wherever they graze?
Do lambs bear a witness about our Messiah?
Do sheep know that they can be used for His ways?

Is a star glad when it shines over Zion?
Do deer love the mountainside cliffs that they tread?
Do clouds receive special commands over Zion
Exactly how far, or how long they may spread?

Is a dove glad to take flight o’er her homeland?
And when she is far, does she mourn for her home?
Do hyraxes love their strong crags in the wasteland?
Do quail long to be here, wherever they roam?

Yea, yearns creation for Zion’s salvation
But we are the ones understanding His ways
As all of Your promises come to fruition
We stand as Your watchmen, proclaiming Your praise

“Yehovah loves the gates of Zion more than all the dwellings of Jacob” -Psalm 87:2

Who is He

Who is He who spread the heavens?
Who is He who formed the sun?
Who started time, established seasons?
By His word the stars were hung

Who is He Who holds all breath?
Whene’er He blows, the mountains shake
Who lives forever, rules o’er death?
His works are great, with no mistake

Who is He who knows each thought?
Who sees within the heart of man?
What miracles His hand has wrought!
Search out His wonders, if you can

Who is He, forever righteous?
Who could stop the King of all?
He rules with justice and forgiveness
‘Fore His throne all nations fall

Who is He Who holds the wind
Within a garment, holds the sea
Gives recompense to those who sinned?
He binds in chains, and He sets free

Who is He Whose ways are higher?
He Who is a rock and shield
His right hand crushed that age-old liar
‘Fore His might all nations yield

Who is He Who parts the waters
Leads His people through the sea?
Who takes the lost as sons and daughters?
Who is wise eternally?

Who is He? The great Creator
He has formed us; we are clay
He made great cities useless mortar
Raised a nation in one day

Who is He, behind the veil?
Could darkness ever match His light?
Contend with Him–would you prevail?
In judgment would you be found right?

Who is He who holds all life?
He keeps alive, and He can kill
He gives us peace, and He makes strife
Who dares to disobey His will?

Who is He? And who is like Him?
He alone shall always rule
Oh, do you dare to stand against Him
Tell Him “You are wrong” O fool?

Who is He Who dwells on high?
Who knows all things from start to end?
Would He bend down to hear my cry?
Would He be pleased to call me friend?

Who is He Who has descended
Deigned to live upon the earth?
And Who is He Who has ascended
Gives His people light and worth?

Who is He? Our mighty Savior
Look at all He did and made!
His cherished ones He shall deliver
His great strength shall never fade

Who is He? Proclaim His fame!
Adore Him, mortals here below
Tell–Who is He? What is His Name?
What is His Son’s Name?–if you know!

Scripture References:
Genesis 1:14
Exodus 15:18
Deuteronomy 32:39
Job 11:7, 13:9
Psalm 33:13-15, 84: 9+10, 92:4+5
Proverbs 30:4
Isaiah 42:5, 55:9, 64:1+8

Heart of Flesh

Create in me a heart of flesh
And mold my heart like clay
A heart that heeds, and seeks Your will
To serve You every day

Create in me a heart of flesh
A heart that can feel pains
Please melt the stoniness within
The coldness that remains

Create in me a heart of flesh
A heart that understands
A heart is whole, a heart is free
When fashioned by Your hands

Create in me a heart of flesh
That seeks no gold or fame
May all my heart’s desires be
From You, and for Your Name

Create in me a heart of flesh
And make it like Your own
That all my love and strength shall be
For You, and You alone

Bid Me Not to Leave This Flame

This poem is inspired by the story of Shadrak, Meshak, and Abed-Nego in Daniel 3

Bid me not to leave this flame
This flame that burns, but ne’er consumes
Please let me stay within this smoke
Where You, not I, see through the fumes

Bid me not to leave this flame
For in this flame, You set me free
Though enter I with rope or chain
The ropes are burned; chains fall from me

Bid me not to leave this flame
This flame known as adversity
Amidst such flames, all dross falls off
You cleanse my heart in purity

Bid me not to leave this flame
For in this flame, I walk with You
Amidst the trials, toil, and pain
We hold communion dear and true

Bid me not to leave this flame
With You I am content to be
Although my path be set in flames
I love the path You planned for me

Bid me not to leave this flame
For in this flame, I hear Your voice
Amidst such heat, my self succumbs
Surrenders to Your plan, Your choice

Bid me not to leave this flame
In flames, Your glorious face I see
You bore great trials; so shall I
The flames are where I want to be

When I am Near to You

When I am near to You, what light
You shine eternally
Your light reveals where I should go
At night it stays with me

When I am near to You, what awe
I see that I am naught
But simple clay, a vessel small
Which He, the potter, wrought

When I am near to You, what tears
Of healing and release
What gladness to surrender all
And to be filled with peace

When I am near to You, what peace
You wipe away all tears
I feel Your eyes, intent on me
You cast away all fears

When I am near to You, what rest
I dwell beneath Your wing
Your shelter over me is love
Within Your tent I sing

When I am near to You, what truth
You show me, and I see
I see my failures, see Your grace
See all You did for me

When I am near to You, what love
Incomparable and whole
It wraps around me like a cloak
Brings comfort to my soul

When I am near to You, what strength
At once all doubts dissolve
I know my King will fight for me
And strengthen my resolve

When I am near to You, what faith
I know You never fail
Your faithfulness seems tangible
It always will prevail

When I am near to You, what help
You give amidst distress
You bring me through the trying times
To cleanse me, and to bless

When I am near to You, what might
We have the victory
No weapon formed against me stands
For You abide in me

When I am near to You, what grace
You hold me in Your hand
Your grace is more than all the things
I cannot understand

When I am near to You, what hope
What confidence is mine
Whatever comes, the good and bad
Shall be for Your design

When I am near to You, what joy
At once, I do not care
Where I must go throughout my life
As long as You are there

When I am near to You, what words
Of wisdom I receive
Your words of love, Your promises
I stand on, and believe

When I am near to You, what trust
I suddenly am bold
Since birth Your hands have carried me
And still, till I am old

When I am near to You, what glee
My heart at once is free
Your presence is my hiding place
And where I long to be

When I am near to You, what life
What friendship dear and true
And I shall serve here at Your feet
Forever near to You

In the Day that He Broke off my Chains

I was once without a Savior
Without hope, and without life
All my nights were full of fearing
And my days with pain and strife

Then I prayed, and I cried
And in love, He answered me
I was chained, I was tied
But in grace, He set me free

I was purchased by my Savior
And His servant I became
In the day that He broke off my chains


I was chained by fleshly feelings
Sin just wouldn’t let me free
And I knew I couldn’t free myself
But who would rescue me?

Then He came, rescued me
Now I’m free to dance and sing
Now my heart’s filled with glee
I am cherished by my King

So I’m running to my Savior
And I’ve never been the same
Since the day that He broke off my chains


When my life was full of sorrow
And the skies were full of rain
I forgot about His mercy
And complained about my pain

Then He came to explain
And at last, I understood
Blessings come through the rain
He is only ever good

I was suddenly so joyful
Started dancing in the rain
In the day that He broke off my chains


Still it isn’t always easy
Pilgrim trails are often rough
But along this trail He’s shown me
That His grace will be enough

I’ll recall and I’ll tell
Of the times He heard my plea
When I tripped, when I fell
In His grace He lifted me

Then my mouth was filled with laughter
And my tongue with songs of praise
In the day that He broke off my chains

Blessed be Yehovah

Blessed be Yehovah my Rock Who trains my hands for war
Clouds He rides and sends great winds and lightning from His store

He will guard His servants, and He rightly rules their cause
He will crush the wicked–save oppressed ones from their claws

Blessed be He Who shields my head amidst the greatest strife
With His miracles He saves me; He preserves my life

He Who shakes the mountains is my fortress and defense
With my King I face a troop and leap the highest fence

Blessed be He Who fights for us and gives the victory
In His strength all chains are snapped–from sin He set us free

Death could never conquer Him; He lives, and so shall we
His is glory, might, and rule through all eternity

Blessed are all Who trust in Him; they shall not suffer shame
Those who run to hide in Him find refuge in His Name

Zealously He guards His sheep, and camps around His flock
He shall make their feet like deer–they climb the highest rock

Blessed are those who wait for Him; He fills them with His might
In His strength the lame will walk, the weak will bravely fight

He will lift us up; on wings of eagles we shall fly
Knowing He is on our side, all fear will quickly die

Blessed are those whose strength is You, Your paths are in their heart
Though they cross the desert, though they face the foe’s swift dart

Always Yah will give them strength, and when the battles cease
Blessed be Yehovah our God Who gives His people peace

Relevant Scriptures:
2 Samuel 22
Psalm 2:12
Psalm 25:2+3
Psalm 29:11
Psalm 34:7
Psalm 84:5
Psalm 124:6
Psalm 135:7+14
Psalm 140:7
Psalm 144:1+2
Proverbs 18:10
Isaiah 30:18
Isaiah 40:31
Isaiah 64:1
Joel 3:10
Revelation 5:13