Category: Poetry
Your Grace
“Only goodness and mercy will pursue me all the days of my life and I will dwell in the house of Yehovah to the length of days.”-Psalm 23:6 Before t...
My Heart’s across the Ocean
My heart’s across the ocean in a land of hills and streamsThe land God’s eyes are set upon, that holds my hopes and dreamsNo other land could I love...
You’re the Savior Who saved me one day long agoUp Calvary’s hill with that cross did You goYou loved us so much that You paid such a priceNo other a...
I Cannot Understand
“And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Yeshua Messiah.”-Philippians 4:7 I feel the quest...
At the End
At the end of the rain there’s a rainbowAt the end of the storm there is sunAt the end of the struggle there’s safetyIn the day that my wand’r...
Based on 2 Samuel 19:28 O Savior at Your feet I kneelSo humbled by Your graceThat You would come my soul to healTo meet me face to face Whene’er You meet ...