Blessed be Yehovah
Blessed be Yehovah my Rock Who trains my hands for warClouds He rides and sends great winds and lightning from His store He will guard His servants, and He righ...
Blessed be Yehovah my Rock Who trains my hands for warClouds He rides and sends great winds and lightning from His store He will guard His servants, and He righ...
I feel a wondrous day beginningEven though it’s yet unseenI feel a wondrous light approachingEven through the night’s dark screen I see Yehovah̵...
“Only goodness and mercy will pursue me all the days of my life and I will dwell in the house of Yehovah to the length of days.”-Psalm 23:6 Before t...
My heart’s across the ocean in a land of hills and streamsThe land God’s eyes are set upon, that holds my hopes and dreamsNo other land could I love...
You’re the Savior Who saved me one day long agoUp Calvary’s hill with that cross did You goYou loved us so much that You paid such a priceNo other a...
“And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Yeshua Messiah.”-Philippians 4:7 I feel the quest...
At the end of the rain there’s a rainbowAt the end of the storm there is sunAt the end of the struggle there’s safetyIn the day that my wand’r...