I come into the garden
Where many beauties grow
Where saplings sprout and harden
Where flowers bloom and glow
The fresh and fragrant flowers
Are sending scents sublime
As from the verdant bowers
The vines and ivy climb
I come, my heart desires
To find some precious thing
Some beauty that inspires
I come to meet my King
I look at His creation
The leaves, both far and near
What beauty past summation!
I know my King is here
I feel His presence with me
Though He cannot be seen
I feel His gladness fill me
Amidst this world so green
Bright rays of light are spilling
Through canopies of trees
And from the trees comes trilling
The songs of birds and bees
For just as spring’s bright beauty
Breaks forth from winters bleak
He plants new life within me
Whenever Him I seek
The lovely flowers show me
That He who made me whole
Shall plant bright hope and beauty
Within my ransomed soul
The Artist of creation
Shall clear my eyes to see
His infinite provision
His lovely gifts for me
And as, amidst such glory
I pause against a tree
I hear a wondrous story
Of Him who set me free
For lo! a sight of wonder
The greatest gift He gave
Amidst the garden splendor
I see an empty grave
He lives; my King has risen!
He gives new life to me
I’m treasured and forgiven
From death He set me free
With joy and hope so ceaseless
My heart is filled by Him
With love and peace so priceless
He overflows my brim
I come into the garden
To see His works of art
I think upon His pardon
He overwhelms my heart

Another lovely poem by Faith Williams! You could publish a book by now, because you have written so many poems!!
I haven’t even had a chance to tell your mom this, but Dan and I are going to Israel Sept. 17th-28th. Seeing your last photo of the Garden Tomb reminded me how excited I am to walk on the same ground where Yeshua walked when he was on this earth. This is something I’ve always wanted to do!
That is so exciting that you are going to go to Israel! I’m sure that will be just so wonderful!
I think about publication. Maybe later this year, I’ll consider it more seriously.
Yes, I know that you love photos! 😀