You look at what is all around
At sights and lights and fights and sound
That threaten to distract your soul
From things that truly make you whole
Look up, don’t think this fallen earth
Will give you gifts of life, of worth
Good gifts shall come from Yah above
Who showers us with endless love
The vain delights this earth can give
Don’t give you any strength to live
The treasures of this earth don’t stay
With wings of birds, they fly away
Look up, for hope’s not found in dust
In silver, gold, or things that rust
But look at Yehovah, you’ll see
Unending hope that sets you free
Don’t think that you’ll find joy or rest
In earthly things. The very best
Of earthy joys can barely start
To fill the holes within your heart
Look up, and know that He who made
The sky gives joys that never fade
With him we walk in strength and peace
In great travails, when comforts cease
Don’t let your heart be troubled when
You see this world of pain and sin
Don’t set your heart on what you hear
On troubles, strife, or things you fear
Look up, and trust your heart with Him
Who made the bud upon the limb
Who gives the mighty trees their leaves
Who’s always near and never leaves
When life is very harsh and dark
You try to find a little spark
Of light, of hope, to light your way
You long to see the light of day
Look up and see the stars, the moon
And understand that very soon
Our King will come, and slay the night
More faithful than the sun, He’s light
When all looks twisted, sick, and wrong
Remember! Sing a little song
To Him who gave His life for you
Who’s always loving, just and true
Look up, and see, our Savior lives!
What power, grace, and peace He gives!
Oh, hope and trust and never fear
Look up, for your redemption’s near

“And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up and lift up your heads, for your redemption draws near.” -Luke 21:28
Another lovely and inspirational poem by Faith Williams!! ❤️
I think the photo at the end is little River…but you have so many nieces (and nephews) that it’s hard for me to remember what each of them looks like.
Keep writing, Faith!
Thank you! The picture at the end was of Kiley, when she was very little. 🙂
Oh, I’ll keep writing! I have to; my brain would have it no other way. 🙂