I stumbled in
My guilt and sin
So quickly did I stray
What price could pay for what I’d done
And bring me to Yah’s way?
For all I’d done
Just only One
Could save me from my sin
Just One could pay the priceless price
For me to enter in
My El came down
Gave up His crown
And lived ‘midst pain and strife
My Savior died; He paid for me
The priceless price–His life
And since He lives
My Savior gives
Me power over death
He gives me love and hope and peace
He gives me life and breath
I can not say
Each little way
He’s showered me with love
I wonder why, for who am I
That I should dwell above?
Just one gift He
Wants back from me–
One price. In joy and strife
I’ll pay the price of being His–
The priceless price–my life