Do you think I’m at rest
That I’m safely at home?
But a stranger I am
For I sojourn, I roam
I am wandering here
In a land not my own
And I don’t want to stay here
I want to go home
Oh, I’m homesick, so homesick
I sometimes feel lost
This big world is so foreign
The storms leave me tossed
But I think of my homeland
That’s given to me
When I reach that sweet place
Oh, what beauties I’ll see!
So I dream of the fields
Of the sky perfect blue
Though I’ve only seen pictures
I know it is true
I will go there one day
And I’ll traipse ‘cross those hills
I will see every thing
That with joy my heart fills
I will pass through the cities
Sing songs in the streets
I will cherish each noise
That my ear gladly greets
Oh, the sounds of my language
The tongue that I love!
If I hear it be spoken
My heart soars above
Oh, I’m homesick, so homesick
Until I behold
That magnificent land
Of the fathers of old
In that homeland Yeshua
Shall come and shall reign
In that day my full heart
All its joy shan’t contain!
And I know it seems strange
That my home I’ve not seen
But the home’s where the heart is
My heart’s with my King
Oh, I’m homesick, so homesick
But now I can’t go
For the ocean is wide
And the transport says no
So I wait, very eager
Until, by His hand
My Yehovah will lift me
And give me that land
I will dwell in that land
With my heart full of glee
I’ll rejoice in Yehovah
Who gave it to me
Oh, I’m homesick, so homesick
But, no, it won’t last
I will be there one day
When these storm clouds are past
For Yehovah has promised
His words I recall
I will trust what He said
And my hope will not fall
I will cling to the promise
I’ll sing and I’ll tell
Of the day that I’ll be there–
My home, Israel!

And Yehovah appeared unto Abram, and said, “Unto your seed will I give this land”… -Genesis 12:7
“Therefore say, ‘Thus says my Master Yehovah, “I will gather you from the peoples, and assemble you out of the countries where you have been scattered, and I will give you the land of Israel.”‘”
-Ezekiel 11:17
I thought you went to Israel once already, a few years ago…but, by the words in this poem, I’m guessing I’m mistaken and you have not been there yet. “And the transport says no”… 😱..🧐… !
I also long to go there. Dan and I were suppose to go for the first time in March of this year, but we had to cancel our plans because of his gallbladder.
Keep writing, Faith! I’m so proud of you!!
My feelings as well, Faith. Amen.