My Grace is Sufficient For Thee

Right now I feel just fine
But what if shadows fall?
What if the darkness deepens
And I can’t see at all?

Right now all things are well
But what if I meet grief?
What if my life brings sorrows
And I long for relief?

Then, Yah, You’d light my path
Then I would trust in You
Then You would care for me
Then You would see me through

Then I would truly learn
What leaning on You means
I’d truly get to say
“Yehovah my soul leads”

You’d lead me to Your pastures
To Your still waters sweet
You will never forsake me
Whatever grief I meet

You would restore me being
You’d guide me to Your path
For comfort’s not from pleasure
But from Your rod and staff

I would truly love You
And cling with all I’ve got
You’d truly be my hope
My portion and my lot

Then I would see each day
That Your great love boundless
Is why I’m not consumed
Great is Your faithfulness!

You are my Good Shepherd
With You I will not fear
The Vale of the Shadow of Death
Is harmless when You’re near

Oh Yah, You truly love me
And if I counter pain
Although it won’t be easy
You’ll use it for my gain

Your power shows in weakness
In pain Your will You do
So in the deepest darkness
Please help me shine for You!

Whatever trial comes
Your love will cover me
Then I’d truly know
“My grace is sufficient for thee”

Faith Williams
I am a twenty-year-old girl who loves to write poems and stories. I usually have a moral or lesson behind my writings, for I hope these stories and poems, which Yehovah (God) helped me to write, will glorify Him as I share them on this blog. Welcome to my blog and I hope you enjoy your stay!


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