The Greatest Story

I often write some poetry, and I can fill a page
With some fictitious story that will hopefully engage

Your interest or your liking, but I know I never could
Create a made-up tale or find a true tale quite as good

As this—the most amazing tale that man has ever heard
The most astounding, great Good News, the true unchanging Word

Before creation there was Yah, His Son and Spirit too
They made all things we see around–the birds, the trees, and you

He made us and He loved us, even though He knew we’d fall
He knew we wouldn’t listen and would not obey His call

So disobey we humans did; He banished us away
From Eden’s lovely garden, and we went our sinful way

But Yehovah still loved us after we had gone astray
He sent His prophets and His Word to guide us in the way

He saved us from all captors and He fed us with His bread
But we would always scorn Him after we’d been freed and fed

So we continued sinning but His plan was far from done
Despite our wicked, sinful deeds He sent His only Son

To save and free from hell and death whoever trusts in Him
To bring from darkness into light—deliver us from sin

Though He’s the king—He made us all—He died upon that tree
For those who died, for those alive, and for those yet to be

He gave His life to bring us into unity with Him
To open up the gates of life so we can enter in

How can I tell how much He’s helped? He’s saved me; I’m His own
How can I list His boundless blessings? He will bring me home

How could I make a better story? What’s more grand than this?
How could I live without my Savior? He’s my strength, my bliss

How could I tell what He has done or sing of all His praise?
His love’s beyond my mortal mind; I’ll praise Him all my days

Faith Williams
I am a nineteen-year-old girl who loves to write, especially fiction. I write many stories and poems. I usually have a moral or lesson behind my writings, for I hope these stories and poems, which Yehovah (God) helped me to write, will glorify Him as I share them on this blog. Welcome to my blog and I hope you enjoy your stay!


  1. I know you’re not the Psalmist, David, but your poetry is almost as moving and inspirational to me. I can tell it comes from your heart, Faith! I sincerely admire the ability (talent) you have to compose such beautiful and thought provoking poetry!
    Keep it up! 🙂

  2. Faith, what a powerful piece of poetry! I love how you layed out an overview of the Bible in your poem and pointed to God in each and every stanza. What a beautiful poem!

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