Are you struggling? Are you hurting?
Tossed about on a wild sea?
Is it hard to face each day?
Just turn and take a look at me.
That once was me, I’ve been there too
No place was harder to be
That sinking in that awful mud
That would not let me free
But now, no more
I’ve been refined in the fire
My Elohim, in His love
Pulled me out of the mire
He set my feet on the rock,
I shall not be moved
He’s establishing my steps
And He’ll establish yours too
Are you hurting? Are you aching?
Just look at the One who died for you
The One with mercy never ceasing
Who loves and never forsakes you
Turn your face to your Maker above
He suffered too, and knows your needs
Just wait, just hope, a little while
And He, in His love, will set you free
Oh, how much brighter the world seems
After you’ve been in the dark!
Just hold onto hope, whatever glimmer you have
And see what Yah does with that spark
“I love Yehovah, for he has heard my voice, my supplications. For He has inclined His ear to me, and I will call throughout my days.
For you have delivered my soul from death, my eyes from tears, my feet from falling, I will walk before Yehovah in the land of the living.”
~Psalm 116: 1, 8, 9
(Author’s note: “Elohim,” or shortened “El,” is Hebrew for God. The Scripture I alluded to in the poem is Psalm 41:1)
I was actually going to say “Amen” too, but then I saw that your friend, Lizzy, said the same thing! That was my natural response to reading that poem!
It warms my heart to hear you describe Elohim, Faith! Your poetry is beautiful and inspiring!
Aww…I’m so glad to know that you enjoy my poetry!