Guest Post ~ “King of the Forest”

Everyone says that the lion is the king of the jungle. As for the king of the forest, that used to be me.

I was larger than the largest. My neighbors looked up to me.

The animals were satisfied with my bountiful harvest. Many came, and left full.

But now I have been struck with the incurable. Many tried to help, but failed. I am weak; the least are greater than me.

There must be a cure. Hope may be little, but it is still alive. Someday, hopefully, I will rise again. I am the American Chestnut.

~by S. Rose Williams

Faith Williams
I am a twenty-year-old girl who loves to write poems and stories. I usually have a moral or lesson behind my writings, for I hope these stories and poems, which Yehovah (God) helped me to write, will glorify Him as I share them on this blog. Welcome to my blog and I hope you enjoy your stay!


  1. Very thought provoking, Rose! I had to read it a couple of times to understand it. Thanks for sharing and being a ‘guest’ writer on Faith’s blog. 🙂

    I’m coming for a visit! I will be there 3 weeks from today! Can’t wait to spend some time with all of you! 🙂

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