
The devil thought he’d done it;
The devil thought he’d won.
He had conjured up a plan
To kill Yah’s only son.

He shared his plan with Judas
And with all the scribes and priests.
They all planned to do it
Before the Passover feast.

But Yehovah knew what was happening.
Yehovah was still in control.
He’d sent His Son for that very reason:
To save all of our souls.

Yeshua cried, “Your will be done”
Then He was led away.
After beating, mocking, flogging;
He was crucified that day.

After dying for all our sins
Our Savior went to the Father
Who gave him all glory and majesty
Honor and power forever

Yeshua took the keys to hell
And set all of us free.
What a wonder, what a joy
That he would die for me!

After three day and three nights
He rose and lives again.
The mortal coils of sin and death
Had no triumph over Him!

We’ve all been bad, we’ve all done wrong
But he came to seek and to save.
He loves us all so very much
He died and rose from the grave!

-Scripture References-

Luke 22:3
Matthew 26:3-5
John 12:27
Luke 22:42&54
Jude 25
Revelation 1:18
Luke 19:10
Romans 5:8

Faith Williams
I am a twenty-year-old girl who loves to write poems and stories. I usually have a moral or lesson behind my writings, for I hope these stories and poems, which Yehovah (God) helped me to write, will glorify Him as I share them on this blog. Welcome to my blog and I hope you enjoy your stay!


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