Snow Day!

Yes, we Alabamians got snow! Yesterday I heard snow was coming across the Southeast. “Will we get some snow?” I asked my dad.

“Maybe,” he said. I hoped we would. When I woke up this morning I had forgotten all about it until I saw the snowy scene outside. We got about five inches of snow, the most we have ever received since we moved to Alabama. My sister and I ran outside before we even ate breakfast! We took a walk with the family that lives next door and then we all made a snowman! We had so much fun. Now for some pictures!


The pictures above are of our backyard, and my neighbors’ houses. 🙂 Isn’t the snow gorgeous? Below is a picture of my little black kitten Texas playing in the snow on our back porch, cute as can be. Can you see the little kitty paw prints? If you want to see a picture of my calico cat Georgia, look at my profile picture at the top of the blog.

Above is the snowman. He is nearly seven feet tall, honest! Below is a picture of all of the snowman builders, my family and my neighbors, by our work of art. I am the second from the right in the red hat.

All in all, it has been a delightful snow day!



Faith Williams
I am a twenty-year-old girl who loves to write poems and stories. I usually have a moral or lesson behind my writings, for I hope these stories and poems, which Yehovah (God) helped me to write, will glorify Him as I share them on this blog. Welcome to my blog and I hope you enjoy your stay!


  1. What great fun! Thanks for sharing about all the fun you and your neighbors had with the five inches of snow you received. We are having snow flurries (for most of the day today) here in Ohio. The ground is turning white as I type. 🙂 It is so beautiful. Unlike you though, we are only expected to get an inch or so today. We are used to snow here, but I’m sure this was thrilling for you, because five inches of snow is a rarity in AL.

    Love ya, Faith! XOXO

  2. Oh, yes! Five inches of snow is a rarity here in Alabama. It was thrilling, especially since we expected less than an inch! Snow is so beautiful! See you in February,

  3. Awww Texas is so cute!! i’m glad I got to see a picture of her! And wow, you guys got more snow that we did!! 😀 We got about 2 inches…and nice snowman! I don’t believe I’ve ever built a snowman that tall–he looks wonderful!!

    1. Wow! We in Alabama got more snow than you! Yes, Little Texie is so cute. I just can’t get enough of her! We built a snowman that I think was bigger when we were up in Cleveland, OH last year.

    1. Oh, yes. we made a huge snowman in Ohio. Oh, Texas has lots of nicknames, Georgia too, namely Texacat, Texie, Mexicat, Tex Mex, and more!:D We are big nickname people! We all have many nicknames.

  4. Wow, that’s so pretty and amazing! I’m so happy you got snow, it looked so fun! I loved your snowman, he was adorable! 😀 And Texas is a very cute cat. 😉 Enjoy the snow! <3

    1. Oh, yes, the snow is so pretty and amazing! It was so much fun! I am glad I am not the only one who thinks Texas is cute!:D

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