I’m not one of this world
I’m a stranger on this earth
for I have cleansed my path
According to your word
The world may think I’m crazy
Or maybe even insane
But I find my joy and peace
In Yeshua’s great name
I’m not being conformed
To this world that thinks evil’s fine
I am being transformed
By the renewing of my mind
And when temptations come to me
And say, “Come on, it’s fun!”
I will overcome these lies
By the power of God’s Son
God will deliver me
From the enemy’s hand with grace
“Look, I’m free now!”
I shout in the enemy’s face
I will sing of mercy and judgement
To you, God, I will sing
For you have taken me, a pauper
To be a daughter of the King
I will follow you always
No matter what others like
For straight and narrow is the path
The path that leads to life
-Scripture References-
Psalm 119:9
Psalm 119:19
Romans 12:2
Psalm 101:1
Matthew 7:14
Thanks for the encouragement, Faith! This is my favorite of your poems now!
Thanks, Elizabeth!
Faith, this is such a beautiful poem! I really enjoyed reading it! It is so thought provoking as well! Keep up the good work.
Thanks, Peyton! I t was a joy having you here at our place. You are so much fun!
I especially like the two lines in the first stanza! “I’m not one of this world. I’m a stranger on this earth.” If we truly live our lives pleasing to Yahweh, we should all feel this way. In the timeline of eternity, our life on earth is minuscule.
Keep writing! You are good at it!
I am glad you like my poem! We belong in heaven now, not on this earth.