Author: Faith Williams
Book of Wonders
On my lap a book is laidIt’s black, its title goldThe binding’s worn, the edges frayedIt’s obviously old And yet, to me this book is worthMuch...
A Future and a Hope
Scene 1 SETTING: IVRIT’s house AT RISE: The low light is on. IVRIT stumbles from stage left into the light, crying. IVRIT (kneeling, crying) I thought things–I ...
Don’t Forget~”On Eagles’ Wings” Anniversary
One year ago, “On Eagles’ Wings” came to the stage. I have such great joy in my heart when thinking of all that Yehovah did to give us that op...
“Child at War” by Mark Bles
What would you do if your life was completely shaken? What if your country was taken over by foreign enemies who have no respect for life or freedom? What would...
When Nighttime Falls
When nighttime falls, and skies dark grayReplace the sunset’s lustrous sprayI’ll seek a place where I can hideIn You, my El, shall I confide When ni...
Give Me Strength to Climb This Mountain
Inspired by my trip to the Santa Catalina Mountains of Arizona Give me strength to climb this mountainRising high in front of meGive me joy in tribulationAs I t...
My Stability
Though waves may breakThough mountains quakeI have a peace the wrong can’t knowIn desert sandsIn foreign landsI have a joy where’er I go In great al...