This Life in Me is Not Mine

This life in me is not mine;
I have given it away.
This sinful world is not my home;
It’s just where I shortly stay.

Who knows what this life shall bring?
Some trials great and small?
Shall my life be full of peace?
My Maker knows it all.

Shall I have my dreams come true
Or shall I live amidst a war?
I just hope whatever comes
It’s what He created me for.

What if I walk through a furnace of fire?
I may not lose a hair.
My soul, my body, and my spirit
Are in His loving care.

He is the King of my life,
He will guide me wherever I go.
He will strengthen me all of the way,
Until He takes me home.

Faith Williams
I am a nineteen-year-old girl who loves to write, especially fiction. I write many stories and poems. I usually have a moral or lesson behind my writings, for I hope these stories and poems, which Yehovah (God) helped me to write, will glorify Him as I share them on this blog. Welcome to my blog and I hope you enjoy your stay!


  1. Lovely poem, Faith!

    As a believer, your poem brings peace to my soul as I read it. “My Maker knows it all.”

    See you soon! 🙂

    1. I am glad the poem gave you peace. 🙂 It is always so assuring to know of Yehovah’s care and wisdom!

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