All creation’s groaning
All is yearning for the day
When Yah will come and conquer
When all sin is cast away
This fallen earth is longing
For the day when all’s made right
When righteousness and justice
Will break forth as morning light
My heart is also yearning
For the things that soon shall be
When Yah reveals His glory
In the year of Jubilee
All creation’s calling
All of heaven’s host proclaim
The greatness of our Savior
And they praise His mighty Name
Lo! The day is coming
Fierce and burning as a flame
When He returns, and shakes the earth
And nothing stays the same
Who could stand before Him?
I will fall on bended knee
Before the King of Glory
In the year of Jubilee
See the towns of Judah
How in solitude they wait
To see the King of Glory
Marching through the Eastern Gate
When my King’s returning
I know I will go there too
We’ll run to Zion’s mountain
And He’ll teach us what is true
Finally I’ll live there
In the land He’s promised me
At last I’ll have my portion
In the year of Jubilee
See the wars and fighting
All this means He’s coming back
And in His peaceful kingdom
No more nations will attack
In that day, the poor ones
All those humble and oppressed
Shall be raised up and rescued
For the King shall give them rest
In my home, near Zion
I will live, so full of glee
All men will live in freedom
In the year of Jubilee
Israel’s old cities
All are longing for the day
When they’ll be full of people
And their streets with children’s play
See the Land awaiting
When the captives will return
The day when all will know Him
And His Torah all shall learn
His great fame and glory
Shall spread forth like boundless sea
And all shall see salvation
In the year of Jubilee
Though the world is reeling
And the wicked seem to rise
With confidence, we’re waiting
Till He comes upon the skies
In the harshest trials
We will trust that they won’t last
One day, we’ll stand victorious
When the rule of sin is past
Though the world can’t see it
We believe what we don’t see
Our King will reign victorious
In the year of Jubilee
With the hosts of angels
We Your people plead and cry
“How long till You’ll show mercy?
Oh, how long till death will die?”
When will goodness triumph?
Please take heed how we’re oppressed
Have mercy, Lord, on Zion
And arise, Yah, to your rest
Come, our Lord Yeshua!
How we yearn and hope for Thee
Come take Your throne in Zion
In the year of Jubilee