Scene 1
AT RISE: The low light is on. IVRIT stumbles from stage left into the light, crying.
(kneeling, crying)
I thought things–I thought things were going to get better! I thought Moses was going to make Pharaoh free us! I thought Yehovah had heard our cry! But when Moses went to speak with Pharaoh, what do we get?–more work! How shall we gather our own straw–how? I thought Yehovah said He was going to free us! I thought He had promised! I thought He remembered us! But evidentially, it was all just fantasy.
(IVRIT continues crying. The bright light comes on as DOUBT enters from stage left and marches proudly around the room.)
That’s right. It was all fantasy. It was all a joke, an awful joke. Yehovah is not going to free you. What could you do to merit Yehovah’s favor? Who would ever want to help a miserable slave like you? Yehovah isn’t–
(HOPE enters the room from stage left and yells, interrupting DOUBT. IVRIT continues looking at the floor, crying, as the others talk.)
Stop it, you bully! Don’t say any more!
You think you can stop me? You’re so small and weak!
I, Hope, am stronger than you think, because I have a special power–the power of promise.
Promises aren’t powerful! Promises are broken all the time! And it is obvious that Yehovah has broken His promise to this people. He isn’t freeing them.
There are so many thoughts in my head; I don’t even know what to believe.
Believe me; after all, you’ve believed me all your life. It would be foolish to put your trust in Moses’ fancy words. You yourself know that words don’t profit.
No, my King Yehovah is righteous and He would never break His promise to Abraham! He will set these oppressed slaves free in His perfect timing.
(turns to IVRIT, speaking kindly)
Listen, Ivrit, you will be free one day, you only must wait.
I must cling to hope. Maybe, just maybe, Yehovah is still going to do something for us.
Scene 2
Setting: IVRIT’s house
AT RISE: The low light is on. Ivrit is rocking her baby.
It’s amazing to think that after the bloody water, the frogs, and the lice, Yehovah spared us the swarm of flies. Our land is not destroyed. Oh, how special it is that Yehovah has chosen us to be His people! Never has any god cared about slaves. And when we’re free, Yehovah will be a much kinder king than Pharaoh.
(The big light turns on. DOUBT enters from stage left.)
Now, don’t start your foolish dreams again. Maybe you will have to suffer the next plague. You aren’t all that special. What slave is ever special? And don’t start talking about freedom. You don’t even know what freedom is!
(entering by stage left with her Bible.)
Silence! Stop your talking.
(rolling her eyes)
Not you again! Can’t you just leave?
I’m back again with a sword–
(She lifts up her Bible.)
The two-edged sword of Yehovah.
That’s no sword! It’s only a book!
(She opens her Bible. DOUBT acts nervous.)
“I will bring to memory the compassions of Yehovah, the praise of Yehovah. And He said, ‘Surely they are My people, children who will not deal falsely.’ In all their affliction, He had affliction, and the Angel of His Presence saved them. In His love and in His pity He redeemed them.”
(plugging her ears)
Stop talking!
“’For I know the thoughts I am thinking for you,’ says Yehovah. ‘Thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope. And you will seek me, and you will find when you seek me with all of your heart. And I shall be found by you,’ says Yehovah. ‘And I will turn back your captivity.’”
(DOUBT flees the room by stage left.)
Cling to your faith in Yehovah, Ivrit. Do not be deceived by the lies of Doubt. Continue to cling to your new-found joy as you rest in the promise that you will be free.
(HOPE leaves by stage left, happily. IVRIT sets her baby down on a mat. The big light turns off.)
I will be free. My baby will be free. I wonder what freedom will be like.
MUSIC CUE: “What Could Freedom Be?”
Tell me; what could freedom be?
Soon I’ll know, for soon I’ll see
Tell me; what could freedom mean?
It’s a thing I’ve never seen
Once my fathers were free
Long ago, as for me
I remember the word
That the ancestors heard
We’d be lost, be enslaved
Then Yah said we’d be saved
We’d return to that land
And that promise will stand
Tell me; what does freedom mean?
Does it mean I serve a King
Who is gracious and just–
Who’s a King I can trust?
Would the whips and the wrong
That I’ve known all along
Somehow leave, somehow cease
Would I somehow know peace?
Does it mean I have food?
Does it mean I have drink?
Does it mean no more work
In the mud where I sink?
Tell me; what could freedom be?
Does it mean You answer me?
That Yehovah, King of all
Came to save us–heard our call?
Does it mean Yah would take
Us and battle to make
Us His people to bless
And to rule and possess?
Does it mean He would give
Us a land where we’ll live?
In that land shall we see
What it means to be free?
Does it mean that You know
What we do, where we go?
And if so, is it true
That You notice me too?
Can I dare to suppose
That if us, Yah, you chose
And we’re precious to You
Maybe I’m precious too?
Tell me; what could freedom be?
Does it mean You care for me?
Scene 3
AT RISE: The low light is on. IVRIT is kneading some bread with her baby wrapped on her.
I keep marveling at the wonders I have seen in the last year. Eight plagues! Eight terrible plagues have come upon the Egyptians but still they will not obey Yehovah and let us go. I wonder how much longer we will have to wait.
(The big light turns on. DOUBT enters by stage left.)
How can you be certain that your waiting will ever end? Eight miserable plagues haven’t convinced Pharaoh. Yehovah obviously isn’t strong enough to change Pharaoh’s mind.
(entering by stage left)
I thought that after eight plagues you would finally figure out that you are going to lose this battle, Doubt.
I? I am going to lose? I am much stronger than you!
(lifting the Bible)
But I still have my sword.
(rolling her eyes and shaking her head)
Not that again. Silence!
MUSIC CUE: “Someday I’ll be Free”
(opening her Bible)
“But I have trusted in Your loving-kindness. My heart will rejoice in Your salvation. I will sing to Yehovah, for He has dealt bountifully with me.”
(DOUBT sulks and frowns as she sings.)
You can say that I’m weak
You can say that you’re strong
You can mock or oppose me
But you can not stop my song
You can not stop my song
You can say that I’m wrong
It won’t matter to me
Though you choose to deny it
Soon sweet freedom shall be
Soon sweet freedom shall be
And right now the hardship surrounds me
And yes, I’m a slave now I see
But though I can not see the future
I know someday I’ll be free!
I’ll hold onto my hope
I won’t listen to you
Though you say hope is foolish
I know hopes can come true
I know hopes will come true
And right now the hardship surrounds me
And yes, I’m a slave now, I see
But though I can not see the future
I know someday I’ll be free!
But what foundation does your hope have? So many hopes, so many dreams, never come true! What makes you think that this dream of freedom will come true?
Because Pharaoh will have to submit to the Creator of the Universe. Just wait and see.
I’ll remember Yehovah who loved me
And for Him I will patiently wait
I will run and not grow weary
I will walk and not grow faint
I’ll remember the promise He made us
I will patiently wait for the day
When at last He will lift us from bondage
And until then I’ll say
And right now the hardship surrounds me
And yes, I’m a slave now, I see
But though I can not see the future
I know someday I’ll be free!
Yes, I know
Yes, I know
Someday I’ll be
I’ll be
Scene 4
SETTING: Outside Ivrit’s house
AT RISE: The low light is on. IVRIT stands at stage left, with her baby in her arms, looking solemnly at the blood on her door.
Thank you, Yehovah, that on this night, you are going to deliver my son.
MUSIC CUE: “Our Hope is Found in the Blood”
(DOUBT enters from stage right and walks to stage left.)
After all those years
After all those tears
Do you really think you’ll be free?
After all those woes
All of Pharaoh’s no’s
Do you really think he’ll agree?
You are just a slave
Would Yehovah save
You and lift you up from the mud?
Does He care for you?
No it isn’t true!
It’s all lies
Don’t trust in the blood
After all these years
Full of pain and fears
I at last have peace in my heart
Yes, the hope is real
Yes, the wounds will heal
Yes, my life will finally start
I am not the same
Since Yehovah came
He has lifted me from the mud
After all He’s done
He will save my son
Yes, my hope
Is found in the blood
But why would you put your hope in the blood?
(The big light comes on. HOPE enters from stage right and walks over to stage left.)
Since the ancient days
Yehovah’s just ways
Have been rays of hope in the night
And His word stands true
Both for me and you
And His promise stands on this night!
From the ash of death
Feel the springtime’s breath
See the flower break from the bud
For the Righteous one
Shall redeem your son
For our hope
Is found in the blood
But how does the blood have the power to save your son?
For our King is strong
He’s our strength, our song
And His Name has spread through the earth
For our King tore down
Egypt’s pride and crown
And He gives us freedom and worth
In the blood is life
Peace amidst the strife
Yah is strong in tempest or flood
For we trust our King
And His praise we sing
So our hope
Is found in the blood
I still don’t understand why you would trust in superstitions.
We are not trusting in superstitions–we trust the word of Yehovah!
How wonderful it is to be able to put hope and faith in Yehovah!
See? She has rejected you. You have no place here anymore, Doubt. Leave now!
I will go find someone who is willing to listen to me.
(DOUBT leaves by stage right. IVRIT, with her baby, and HOPE enter the house. The big light turns off, and the stage is still, until HOPE and IVRIT, with her baby, exit the home and walk to center stage.)
HalleluYah, He
Won the victory
We’re a newborn nation today!
And the endless years
Of distress and fears
Now have ended, thus we shall say
Though the waves may break
Or the oceans shake
Or the mountains crash with a thud
Still our strength He’ll be
For eternity
Yes, our hope
Is found in the blood
Yes, our hope
Is found in the blood
Yes, our hope
Is found in the blood!