I know You desire to have my heart
I want You to have it too
But I do not know about how to start
My giving my heart to You
For love is confusing, and thoughts are weak
I hardly know anything
Of what must be done to the heart I seek
To give unto you, my King
So capture my heart, Yah, steal all my love
For nothing compares to You
Please fill me with passion for things above
In all that I say or do
How wondrous it is that my heart You see
You see all the faults and sin
Yet still in my heart, Yah, You wish to be
I wish You would enter in
But how do I make You a throne in me?
So perfectly pure Thou art
You cannot abide where’er sin might be
You only can cleanse my heart
So capture my heart, overwhelm my soul
Come cleanse me, till all is Thine
Since me You forgave, and You made me whole
My heart should no more be mine
You gave me my life, breath, and everything
All things that are good and true
You gave me all these for Your work, my King–
For me to give back to You
Most precious, You gave up Your life to save
The souls of humanity
You rose and You conquered all sin–the grave
Now come conquer all of me
So capture my heart, draw my soul away
Your love is what sets me free
You gave up Your best when You died that day
Now come take the best of me
Yes, capture my heart, bind my soul to Thee
I truly want nothing more
Your covenant oath, Yah, confirm with me
Thus binding me evermore
Faith…that poem is SO moving, and seems to be written from the very depth of your soul. If that poem is not just eloquent words, but truly written to express how you feel about Yah, I can only imagine how pleased the Father must be with you. It reminds me of some of David’s Psalms. I don’t know what else to say except your poem is so beautiful and truly moved me!