
Like rain falls upon the field
Let Your word fall on my soul
Let it give me peace and joy
And make me perfectly whole

May Your Spirit fill me
May I never be the same
May I ardently work
To glorify Your name

May You like rain wash me
And make me pure and clean
Put Your mark upon my head
I would want it to be seen

So that I could proclaim You
My love for You never hide
And when people look at me
May they see You inside

This is my petition
This is what I pray
But my ultimate request is
God, please have Your way

Faith Williams
I am a twenty-year-old girl who loves to write poems and stories. I usually have a moral or lesson behind my writings, for I hope these stories and poems, which Yehovah (God) helped me to write, will glorify Him as I share them on this blog. Welcome to my blog and I hope you enjoy your stay!


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